Despite an extremely difficult economic environment in 2009, DMS specialist DocuWare was able to grow its business for the tenth consecutive year. The company's worldwide presence provides a high degree of stability.
Online, March 30, 2010 ( - Newburgh NY, March 30, 2010 - Around the world, the DocuWare Group is able to look back at a successful year in 2009. The Document Management Solution (DMS) specialist considers its consistent message that the efficiency boost provided by its document management solutions is a critical key in today's economic conditions, as part of its success.
Despite an extremely difficult economic environment in 2009, DMS specialist DocuWare was able to grow its business for the tenth consecutive year. The company's worldwide presence provides a high degree of stability: leading the way in revenue growth was US subsidiary, DocuWare Corporation, which grew by 14 percent. A strong focus on driving Partner profitability and sustainability on the American continent played a big role in this success. However, other parts of the world also grew as planned, including a subsidiary established in Spain this past year, an increased presence in France as well as the UK subsidiary. The EMEA region grew by seven percent in new installations, which further added to the positive results. In total, 950 new customers purchased DocuWare solutions.
Investing in Innovation
DocuWare continues to view the future optimistically: in 2009, the software company launched a new SaaS concept and successfully realized its first projects in this arena. The company continues to place a high value on Web-based solutions - to this end, the Innovation Budget for 2010 and 2011 was increased by a total of one million Euro.
Expanding its Online Presence
Several innovative online tools provided by DocuWare teach interested customers - in an uncomplicated fashion - about the benefits of document management, including savings profiles customized for their own company. Since February 2009, the Solution Finder ( has been online to show actual benefits based on departments, document types, and objectives. The ROI Calculator ( went live in the beginning of 2010. With a few clicks, this online tool shows how to increase revenue and profits using a DocuWare solution.
Focus on International Market
In order to guarantee their users the highest possible product quality, DocuWare has its software and processes regularly tested. In 2009, its Spanish subsidiary had the DMS tested by an independent IT audit firm and enjoyed positive results: DocuWare meets all requirements set forth by the Spanish Tax Authority. In addition, in 2009 it was confirmed that the software company's processes meet the international standard EN ISO 9001:2008.
Staff Increased
The positive results of the past year meant a sound basis for hiring additional staff. In the past ten years, the company's personnel more than doubled and in 2010 further positions will be staffed.